J. Crew Shirt *similar* | Dockers Alpha Khaki | Cole Haan Great Jones Wingtip *similar* We all need to have some coffee and relax, our time is constantly occupied with work, school, and hustle. Unfortunately for some we live in a heavily social media enhanced world where the number of followers dictates who are as an individual. Society constantly keeps us busy with the latest news,…
- Category: Style Guide -
J. Crew Shirt | Gap Lived In Slim Khaki | The Tie Bar Tie & Tie Bar This post is inspired by Pablo Picasso’s “Blue Period” dated from 1901-1904. These monochromatic paintings in shades of blue and blue-green were occasionally warmed by other colors. This period was influenced by Picasso’s journey through Spain and by the suicide of his dear friend Carlos Casagemas. Casagemas took his…
J. Crew Shirt | Gap Lived In Slim Khaki | Hook & Albert Shoe Laces When it comes to an accent you never want the outfit to take away from the accent or vice versa. Whether it’s shoes laces, lapel flowers, tie bars or socks it should compliment what you’re wearing not clash or over compensate! I usually like to wear dark or neutral colors with bright…
J. Crew Shirt | H&M Linen Blend Pants | Cole Haan Lunargrands Someday’s you have an anthem that motivates you through out your day. Today my theme music is Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin’“, most Monday’s are manic and stressful. As an educator Monday’s are either a hit or miss and they usually dictate how your week is going to end up. With school winding down to…
J. Crew Whale Tie | Dockers Alpha Khaki | Merona Shirt (Target) | Cole Haan Lunargrand It’s the end of teacher appreciation week and I’m feeling great! This week was a bit hectic due to SCPASS testing. As we start to wind down on the school year, I have been reflecting back on my first year as an educator. I have had many trials and tribulations…
In the words of the great Salvador Dali “The only difference between me and a madman is that I’m not mad.”
Notoriously dapper
Notoriously Dapper is a body positive style guide for men created by style maven Kelvin Davis.
Kelvin has been featured in a numerous amount of top ranked media sources such as The New York Times, Glamour Magazine, BuzzFeed, The Daily Dot, Dazed Magazine, The New York Post and Huffington Post.
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