Orange Ocean
Long time no talk! If you follow me on Instagram then you would know that I have had a busy few weeks. I have just gotten back from New York Men’s Fashion Week, it was so much fun. I’m glad I got to go again this year. The shoes were absolutely amazing my favorites were Nick Graham, John Elliot and Nautica (I met Lil’ Yatchy) he was super cool. Seeing my northern blogger friends help me continue to get some good inspiration for content. I had an amazing time staying at the Park Central Hotel! Everyone there was so accommodating and nice, of course when I first landed I had to go by my favorite place….Shake Shack. It was so great and it’s even better cause I only get it twice a year 🙂 I appreciate you all supporting me through my fashion, style and body confident adventures.
More good news my book is officially available for pre-order on Amazon! Be sure to reserve your copy now! It’s going to be awesome…..I promise 🙂
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