Somedays you just gotta put one a smile! And I’m not talking about some cheesy fake one either. We often get consumed with work and life that we forget to take a second, look around us and just smile for what we have. It’s easy to get lost in the struggle and hustle…..trust me I know. Honestly, I often get wrapped up in it myself but for some reason during this shoot at the University of South Carolina’s iconic horseshoe I felt life. It hugged me and reminded me of all the amazing things I am blessed with; health, family, an amazing wife and an awesome fashion blog. I couldn’t help but smile at watching my daughters chase each other around the horseshoe (behind the scenes) while shooting this look. I encourage all of you to take a moment out of your busy week to just appreciate what we have 🙂 Don’t forget to smile!
P.S. Happy Birthday to my oldest daughter Temperance! She turns 6 today 🙂
1 Comment
Very well said! I’ve found that being in my 20s is kinda rough so I agree you have to remind yourself to be grateful regardless. Loving this outfit by the way. Its’ simple, but you still look really put together.