Happy Blues
There was a time in my life where I was ashamed of my legs and didn’t wear shorts no matter how hot it was outside. I would wear jeans, jogging pants and chinos. I could never really enjoy the Summer fun it seemed. Three years ago all that changed for me……I stumbled upon Chubbies shorts. They make short shorts for men and in their advertisements showed guys with a similar body type of mine and it looked awesome. I bought my first pair and never looked back. They made me feel confident and showing my legs wasn’t as bad as I thought. I loved that fact the shorts showed some of my thigh while wearing them! I would have never imagined that two and half years after buying my first pair…..I would become a model for them. Modeling is something I thought was always unobtainable for me but they made it a reality. I have never felt so confident about my body and who I am as I do now. My advice to my fellas out there is to face your insecurities and find the strength to love everything about your body! You were made unique so don’t be ordinary!!! #EffYourBodyStandards
I love this combo! It’s a really dope and fresh way to wear a denim shirt.
Thanks my man!! Appreciate that brother! #brawnsquad