Create, edit & go live with Universe

We all know how hard it can be to create a website. When I first started my blog I had two choices; to create something on Tumblr or create a website where I can post my outfits, ideas and overall thoughts about about menswear, body positivity and life skills. I remember getting so frustrated dealing with WordPress because I knew nothing about coding, domains, hosting or anything. I had to hire one of my college friends who has a fashion blog at the time to teach me how to create my site.
After spending about 3-4 hours at a local coffee shop, I was live. But let’s be real, if I didn’t have the help of her it would have taken me WEEKS! As a creator, your main focus is to create. A lot of time you don’t want to lose your creativeness trying to problem something that someone could do for you. You want to be able to get straight to showcasing your skill/talent with the world. How awesome would it be if someone created an app/platform where you can create a site (for creating, shopping, selling etc.), publish and go live with a domain all in the matter of minutes?
Well, look no further!! I have great news for you. There is such a thing, it’s called Universe! It’s an app you can download on your mobile device that helps you create a website within just a few clicks. You know longer have to worry about all the coding that goes along with it. You can add text, gifs, pictures, links and even payment methods for people to use. All you have to do is create a log in, press the plus sign and create a page. You can also upgrade to the “Pro” version and have the option of upgrading your domain to a .com,. .net, or any other option available for the name of your site.
Now get off of here and go to onuniverse.com and get started now!

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