Making A Career Change While Caring For Your Family

So, you’re ready for a change. You’re tired of working a job that barely pays the bills and slowly eats away at your health. Maybe it’s the mundane and meaningless tasks you complete each day. Perhaps it’s the long hours that keep you away from your family more than you’d like. Who knows? It’s possible your job no longer aligns with your passions. Whatever got you to this point, you’re ready to shift gears and pursue a career with purpose. The only problem is you don’t want your aspirations to get in the way of your family’s needs. 

Although it may seem selfish or impossible to make a career change while caring for a family, that’s far from the truth. Believe it or not, some of the most successful women had the same doubts. Yet, they came to realize that failing to pursue things they truly desired only hurt their families more. They discovered that working a job that weighs on them only trickled down to those they loved most. Ultimately, they did the research, made a plan, and mustered the courage to succeed. While every woman’s circumstances are different, here are some practical solutions to making the switch easier.

Make A Career Choice

The first thing you need to ask yourself is what type of career you want to pursue. Having a clear vision is essential to staying on task. As you assess opportunities, think about your academic, professional, and personal experiences. Whether you want to become a nurse or a school counselor, the idea is to select a career that gives you purpose and appeals to your passion. 

Map Out A Plan

Next is mapping out a plan. What is it going to take to get you in that position? You can review job overviews or descriptions online to get a better idea of what’s required. For instance, if you wanted to be a school counselor, you’d need to have the appropriate educational and professional experience. If you don’t already have a college degree, you may need to research school psychology programs. Determine how much the program costs, how long it will take, and how it will impact your day-to-day responsibilities. 

Talk It Over

Once you’ve determined what you want to do and how you can accomplish it, you’re ready to talk to your family. As you’re going to need to make adjustments to accommodate your new venture, you want them to know in advance. Explain why you want to make a career change, what you want to do, and how things will change as you pursue your dreams. Allow them the opportunity to express themselves, voice their opinions, and ask questions. 

Gather The Village

They weren’t kidding when they said it takes a village to raise a child. As you begin your journey towards a career change, your village is there to provide support. Once you’ve talked to your spouse and your children, reach out to other relatives and close friends. Explain your mission, share details of your game plan, and discuss any obstacles you’re having trouble with. Chances are, they’ll be more than happy to support your dream. Whether they offer to transport the kids to and from school, prepare meals, or help with homework, it frees up some time to focus on your new career without feeling like you’re neglecting your kids. 

Just Do It

The final bit of advice for making a career change while raising kids is getting out there and doing it. You’ve got your family behind you, you’ve developed a plan, and your kids have the love and support they need as you work towards this goal. There’s nothing left holding you back but yourself. So, enroll in that university, take those professional development classes, or hit the pavement and leave your resume with prospective employers. 

If you’re dissatisfied with your job or simply ready for a career change, take the chance on yourself. You deserve to go after your dreams. Though challenges and obstacles are bound to pop up, the above suggestions will help you overcome them, push forward, and land that new job sooner rather than later.

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