Functional Tips for the Dapper Dad

Being a dad is never easy, but you also want to do it in style. When it comes to parenting, it is more about function than looking good, but who says you can’t have it both ways? Whether it’s dressing your children, caring for them, or going out into the world, keeping yourself feeling good about it all does matter. You want to feel good about yourself when you are out there with your kids. Below are functional tips for the dapper dad.

Baby Backpack

If you have a baby you need to take around town with you, think about getting one of those baby backpacks. You can make sure that your baby is with you and doing well while catching the eye of people. It is a stylish, cute, and functional way to carry around your baby. A lot of people like it better than using a stroller. You will also be hands free should you need to hold the hand of another older child. Whatever you are doing, purchasing a baby backpack is both functional and stylish.

Thumb Guards

When your child is stuck on the bad habit of thumb sucking, you probably worry about how it affects them and the way others view them. One way to stop thumb sucking is to buy a thumb guard or cloth covering. These don’t have to be terribly ugly. Some are quite cute actually. It sure is a better look than your child sucking their thumb in public. It will both look better than your kid’s exposed, irritated skin and discourage them from continuing the bad habit.

Design the Nursery

Whether your child is born yet or not, a great way to combine your creativity in design and the responsibility of being a father is to design the nursery. This will provide a way for you to be the stylish person that you are now while implementing that into a productive part of fatherhood. You can paint the room, choose the crib, put stuff on the walls, and stock the closet with cute, stylish children’s clothes. Not only will you be able to flex your creative style, you will feel good about caring for your child and creating a safe space for them.

Jackets with Many Pockets

When you are looking for a jacket, you should take a look at ones with a lot of pockets. That way, when you are out with the kids you can carry formula, snacks, tissues, and whatever else you need without having to bring a bag with you. If you want to stay looking cool even with the kids around, a jacket with a lot of pockets can avoid the bulky bag or a big backpack. Depending on what you’re into, these jackets can provide space while looking stylish and interesting.

Active Gear

Are you going to take your children on a hiking trip? Camping? Out on the water? It doesn’t matter what you’re doing with your family, you can look great while you do it. Outdoor and active gear can be functional and stylish. Good boots should protect your feet and look awesome while you’re at it. Whether it’s cargo shorts or lightweight pants with tons of pockets, you don’t have to look like a dork when you’re outside with your family.

People think that when you become a father you automatically become a nerdy guy. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You can be very functional and look stylish while you’re at it. You can buy a cool jacket that has tons of pockets. Outdoor gear doesn’t have to be boring or dorky. You can dress your kids well and avoid tacky things like allowing your child to suck on their thumb until it becomes cracked and calloused. You can design the baby’s space in style.

Just because something is functional doesn’t mean it has to be boring or without style. You can keep the class in your life with or without kids. You can’t avoid all the grossness of having children, but you can keep up the clothes, accessories, and tools of the trade. Whether you’ve had children or have a baby on the way, focus on keeping your style and combining it with function. 

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